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Lezioni di Inglese

a Casale Monferrato (Piemonte)

Freelancer ESL Tutor for Kids & Adults

Per alunni di:

Elementari, Medie


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15 €/h Prima lezione gratis

Hi, my name is Joel and I'm here to share my passion for English with you. I'm originally from Albania, but I currently live in Italy with my two boys. I decided to teach English as a part-time job to earn some extra cash. I don't have an official certification or teaching methodology, but I've learned English in a unique way. My father used to be the personal driver and security for the U.S Ambassador in Albania back in the 2000s, so I've been exposed to English from an early age.

I believe that English is an easy language to learn, and I want to help you overcome any shyness or insecurity you might have about learning it. I'm not a professional teacher, but I can teach you how to speak English fluently and confidently. So, let's start our journey together and learn English the fun and easy way!
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Joel Strica

Joel Strica

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