Profilo delle azioni

Lezioni di Turco

a Roma (Lazio)

Native Turkish, Mathematic and English teacher, with 5 years experiences, offers private these lessons for children and adults as online or in Rome

Per alunni di:

Medie, Superiori, Università, Adulti


Tutti i livelli


Adomicilio, on-line


20 €/h (supplemento a domicilio: 25 €)

Teaching and helping somebody are really crucial for me, honestly, sharing my knowledge with other people is one of my passion, therefore I really care people who works with me and analyze their needs. I deal with correct and necessary ways for students or adults for tutoring and what they need from me. Write to me and I will prepare a personal proposal for you.
Contatta gratuitamente
Gizem Nur

Gizem Nur

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