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Lezioni di Inglese

a Torino (Piemonte)

Speak English Fluently with Katerina in Turin!

Per alunni di:

Superiori, Università, Adulti, Aziende


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13 €/h Prima lezione gratis

Hi, my name is Katerina, and I offer conversation practice for anyone wishing to improve their spoken English. I am originally from the Czech Republic, but I lived with my family in California, United States, when I attended elementary school. I also studied for a semester at Tampa Preparatory School (high school) in Florida. I continued my university studies in Rotterdam, where I enrolled in an international program conducted in English. Since then, I have been teaching English privately. Additionally, I organize yoga classes in English in Turin. I would be very happy to help you practice your English with me!
Don't hesitate to contact me :))
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