Alessandro Fantauzzi

Blog di Alessandro Fantauzzi

Alessandro Fantauzzi

3 articoli pubblicati


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How to strike the right note with your audience


One of the first things coming to mind when I think about the bits of rhetoric I had to study when I was in high school, is the so called captatio benevolentiae, which is to say that rhetorical trick aiming at getting your audience's approval through something you may reasonably expect they are going to appreciate. In this post, I'll explain in english what is this concept about. {{btn_search_tutor}} For instance, if you are giving a presentatio...


Should I speak like a native? Questioning native speaking as the benchmark for language learning


  "I wish I spoke more like a native!" "What should I do to sound more like a native?" "Five tricks to sound more like a native speaker!" "Avoid these mistakes if you want to sound more similar to a native." How many times have we come across people studying a foreign language voicing their desire to sound more native speaker-like? How often have we found ourselves confessing the same ambition for attaining such longed-after standard? Not t...


Should we study a foreign language to speak like native speakers?


How many times have we come across people studying a foreign language voicing their desire to sound more native speaker-like? How often have we found ourselves confessing the same ambition for attaining such longed-after standard? Not to mention the galaxy of videos on the internet purporting to be teaching you the ultimate tricks, tips or secrets to sound more like a native. {{btn_search_tutor}} Long story short: it seems that when it comes to ...


I can't get my head around it! - Present Perfect and Past Simple

Among the many challenges that a student is bound to come across in the fatiguing and arduous (rewarding though) process of learning English, grasping the difference between the present perfect and the past simple (or perfect and past tenses in general) is often considered one of the most difficult. {{btn_custom: Impara l'inglese: link_search_tutor_subcat_1}} The rules governing the differential use of these tenses appear to many almost unfathom...

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Alessandro Fantauzzi
Alessandro Fantauzzi (14) Milano (Lombardia)
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