Prof. Amir Hazrati

Recensioni di Prof. Amir Hazrati

Prof. Amir Hazrati



11 recensioni

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From my initial interactions with prof. Hazrati, I have enjoyed learning that he is a serious, dependable, and well-prepared individual. He possesses excellent fundamental communication skills. My quest for knowledge is greatly increased by the manner he manages to convey facts. I'm delighted we connected. I'm grateful, Prof. Hazrati.


Calmo e paziente, ha capito subito come prendere i miei ragazzi. Ragazzo educato e rispettoso ma fermo e severo all'occorrenza, così che gli allievi non si distraggano o perdano tempo. Si vede che tiene davvero ai ragazzi, spesso si è interessato anche fuori orario sull'esito di verifiche ed interrogazioni.


prof. Amir Hazrati, paziente e capace! Nulla da aggiungere!


Amir is an excellent teacher who has greatly aided my grasp of engineering and science, particularly statistics and physics. He is very patient and does not get bored during lessons, on the contrary. His method of teaching is engaging and very logical; it forces you to think through problems on your own and this enables you to fully understand what you are studying, without ignoring details and being able to ask any questions. I have to say that by doing this, I really started to like these courses as well, and using this strategy made my academic route easier. I greatly appreciate your assistance and support; highly recommended!

Blerta Negri

He makes an excellent teacher. His comprehension is quite astounding. He speaks in such a way that we pupils can comprehend him. He has a vast amount of knowledge. His proficiency in both English and science and engineering is astounding.

Lorenza Piccioni

He is a fantastic teacher. His understanding is quite astonishing. I struggled a lot to grasp science and physics before enrolling in his seminars, but after taking his course, I was able to pass all of these courses with excellent grades. He is incredibly knowledgeable. I appreciate it, professor.

Filippo Ariosto

He simply excels at instructing. His knowledge is astoundingly impressive. He has a wealth of knowledge. I'm grateful, professor. You were a huge help to our business while we learned English. You were incredible.

Ludovica Danesi

He explains very well.

Anna Vicenzi

The way that he teaches is very practical. He is a really good engineer.


He was my high school science and physics professor. He is a great prof. His classes are really engaging.

Anna Harrison

Prof. Hazrati is just the best professor. Both his teaching style and his command of the language are outstanding. He is an exceptionally caring professor.

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Prof. Amir Hazrati

Prof. Amir Hazrati
31 Anni·Insegnante con 3 anni esperienza
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Prof. Amir Hazrati
Prof. Amir Hazrati (11) Milano (Lombardia)
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