Prof. Amir Hazrati

Prof. Amir Hazrati


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Cerco ripetizioni di inglese, mi serve un madrelingua?
Vicky | Lezioni di Inglés
Regardless of how skilled you are, practice is crucial. You can now write or speak to this person, depending on your level of proficiency. However, It is not crucial that the person you are practicing with is a native English speaker, which refers to someone who was born in a country where English is the official language. In many cases, a native-like English speaker, or someone who was not born in an English-speaking nation, had learned the language herself and can teach you or make things clearer to you than someone who only picked up the language naturally without taking classes to learn it.
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Qual è la differenza tra going to e will?
Biagio | Lezioni di Inglés
1. One can use either "will" or "going to" to describe the future tense. The "going to" form is a different form that is not used for the simple future tense, whereas "will" is used when the choice is imminent. 2. "Will" is a verb that declares the future to be true. When we decide at the moment of speaking that something needs to be done in the future or when we think something might happen in the future, we use this expression. The "going to" form, on the other hand, is used to communicate an activity as it is occurring and to express a decision that has been made before speaking for something that is certain to happen in the future.
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Qual è la differenza tra going to e will?
Biagio | Lezioni di Inglés
1. One can use either "will" or "going to" to describe the future tense. The "going to" form is a different form that is not used for the simple future tense, whereas "will" is used when the choice is imminent. 2. "Will" is a verb that declares the future to be true. When we decide at the moment of speaking that something needs to be done in the future or when we think something might happen in the future, we use this expression. The "going to" form, on the other hand, is used to communicate an activity as it is occurring and to express a decision that has been made before speaking for something that is certain to happen in the future.
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Cerco ripetizioni di inglese, mi serve un madrelingua?
Vicky | Lezioni di Inglés
Regardless of how skilled you are, practice is crucial. You can now write or speak to this person, depending on your level of proficiency. However, It is not crucial that the person you are practicing with is a native English speaker, which refers to someone who was born in a country where English is the official language. In many cases, a native-like English speaker, or someone who was not born in an English-speaking nation, had learned the language herself and can teach you or make things clearer to you than someone who only picked up the language naturally without taking classes to learn it.
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Prof. Amir Hazrati

Prof. Amir Hazrati
31 Anni·Insegnante con 3 anni esperienza
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Prof. Amir Hazrati
Prof. Amir Hazrati (11) Milano (Lombardia)
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