Eleanor Connon

Recensioni di Eleanor Connon

Eleanor Connon



3 recensioni

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Eleanor has been helping me with my Italian for around a year and the progress is fantastic! She has great knowledge of the grammar and makes really good recommendations for improving my Italian in my free time like watching TV series and films. She always gives me homework and corrects my mistakes in a constructive way, and I look forward to our lessons.


I've been studying with Eleanor for 3 years and I have to say that during this time I've learned more than ever! The speaking practice with her is so helpful, that's my favorite part of our lessons. She's kind, patient and always available if you need her. If you are searching for someone who can help you in learning English without ever getting bored, Eleanor is the one!

Joseph Moore

Not only is Eleanor an experienced and extremely capable tutor, she puts passion and care into her work, and it shows. She is approachable, kind, and attentive to the needs of her students. She has worked with students of various ages and demographics and always receives stellar feedback on her work. Learning with Eleanor is fun and productive - she will help learners conquer their fears and surpass their learning objectives. As a colleague of Eleanor's I can safely say that students won't be disappointed!

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Eleanor Connon

Eleanor Connon
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