Lele Gringo

Lele Gringo

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  • Roma
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CIAO!! I'm Lele, I teach Italian language courses online using the CALLAN method.

I am Italian and since living abroad I have developed a passion for teaching the Italian language, I have been doing it for 10 years and I really enjoy getting in touch with students from all over the world.

Living abroad, one realizes how many foreigners love Italy.
Their passion for ''IL BEL PAESE'' makes me proud of my country and inspired me to contribute, which is why I love teaching Italian language and culture all over the world.

I am a person who likes to help others, so I always try to give my best during the lessons and I try to adapt as much as possible to the student in front of me and to understand the way in which certain concepts must be understood. The climate of the lessons is always pleasant and light.

Callan system allows you to understand and speak correctly and above all to learn very quickly.

You don't need to buy books, just have a PC, a connection, a Skype or Messenger profile and at least an hour and a half of time a week.

Each lesson lasts 45 minutes, it is advisable to carry out at least 2 consecutive lessons to obtain good and fast results.

I am ready to help you and motivate you in learning the Italian language quickly and easily, and I will also talk to you about Italian culture.

Don't hesitate to contact me, usually the people who try the first lesson are happy and never leave me.

Dai lezioni private per:
  • Asilo e scuola materna, elementari, medie, superiori, università, adulti
  • Aziende, indipendenti e professionisti(in company)
Parla queste lingue
  • Inglese
  • Polacco
  • Italiano
Formazione: titoli, corsi e certificazioni
  • Diplomatura:

    Perito industriale

  • La sua disponibilità
    Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì Sabato Domenica

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Lele Gringo
Lele Gringo
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Lele Gringo
Lele Gringo Roma (Bayern)
da 15€/h¡Prima lezione gratis!
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