Giulia Larinà

Giulia Larinà

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Hi! Let me introduce myself: my name is Giulia, and I am from Sicily. I am passionate about poetry, reciting from memory the pieces of my heart poets and composing my own! I love to sing, cook, and take long walks in nature! When I get the chance I travel solo and something that is never missing in my luggage are the novel I am reading at that moment and my notebook to jot down thoughts and emotions.
I spent nine months as an au pair in Ireland last year to improve my English, and I became fascinated with Irish culture and the dynamics involved in exchanges between people from different cultures. This very thing sparked in me an interest in teaching Italian to foreigners! The deep desire to learn about the Italian language and culture of the people I came into contact with pushed me to try my hand and study the most effective ways to teach the Italian language to those who do not know it and have a desire to learn it!

I hold a master's degree in classical philology and literature. I taught Italian in an Italian middle school for six months and continued with my activity of private lessons in Italian and ancient languages (Latin and Greek).
I recently obtained the "CEDILS" certification from Ca' Foscari University of Venice, which qualifies me to teach Italian as a foreign language. During the months of study I have learned various techniques to guide those who want to learn Italian in a well-structured and at the same time fun way!
My method is mainly communicative based. I believe that language is something concrete, an essential tool to achieve a pragmatic end: Communicating and relating with others, not an abstract set of rules to be learned by heart. That is why it is important that from the very beginning we start having a conversation!

Our conversation will gradually acquire a more and more solid and broad structure, enabling you to communicate more and more effectively. In fact, we will integrate parallel paths that are based on practicing pronunciation, expanding vocabulary and studying how the rules in which our language is structured work.

We will read passages together, and do lots of exercises and games that will make you learn the language while having fun! We will listen to songs and study Italian on their lyrics, and so much more that only by booking a trial lesson will you discover!
Dai lezioni private per:
  • Studenti di elementari, medie, superiori, università, adulti
Parla queste lingue
  • Italiano
  • Inglese
Formazione: titoli, corsi e certificazioni
  • Laurea:

    Laurea magistrale in filologia, letteratura e tradizione classica presso l

  • Certificato:

    Certificazione in didattica dell'italiano a stranieri CEDILS

  • La sua disponibilità
    Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì Sabato Domenica
  • Ubicazione approssimativa delle lezioni di Giulia Larinà

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Giulia Larinà
Giulia Larinà
29 Anni·Insegnante con più di 5 anni esperienza
da 18€/h
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Giulia Larinà
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