Imad Ud Din

Imad Ud Din

    • ¡Prima lezione gratis!
  • Genova
  • Dati Verificati
  • 1 anno di esperienza


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Lesson Contents:

1. Introduction to Programming: Understand the basic principles of programming and the role of Python and JavaScript in software development.

2. Setting Up Your Development Environment: Learn how to install and configure the necessary tools and software for coding in Python and JavaScript.

3. Variables and Data Types: Explore the fundamental building blocks of programming, including variables, data types, and basic operations.

4. Control Flow: Master control structures such as loops and conditional statements to control the flow of your programs.

5. Functions and Modules: Dive into the world of functions and modules to write reusable and modular code.

6. Data Structures: Learn about essential data structures such as lists, dictionaries, arrays, and objects, and how to manipulate and work with them effectively.

7. Introduction to Web Development (JavaScript): Get introduced to web development concepts using JavaScript, including DOM manipulation and event handling.

8. Putting It All Together: Work on hands-on projects and mini-assignments that integrate the concepts learned throughout the course.

All Lessons are designed to be interactive, engaging, and tailored specifically for beginners. Here's a glimpse into what you can expect:

1. Structured Learning Paths: Each lesson follows a carefully crafted curriculum, starting with foundational concepts and gradually progressing to more advanced topics. This ensures a smooth learning curve for beginners.

2. Hands-On Practice: Theory is important, but practice is essential. That's why my lessons are packed with hands-on exercises and coding challenges.

3. Real-World Examples: We believe in making learning practical and relevant. Throughout the course, you'll encounter real-world examples and projects that demonstrate the practical applications of Python and JavaScript programming.

4. Interactive Engagement: Learning is more fun when it's interactive. Our lessons incorporate quizzes, group discussions, and collaborative coding exercises to keep you engaged and motivated.
Dai lezioni private per:
  • Bambini, adolescenti
Tipo di lezioni impartite da Imad Ud Din
  • Si sposta a domicilio
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Formazione: titoli, corsi e certificazioni
  • Post-laurea o master:

    Currently studying Masters in Internet and Multimedia Engineering from University of Genova(in corso)

  • La sua disponibilità
    Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì Sabato Domenica
  • Ubicazione approssimativa delle lezioni di Imad Ud Din
    Luoghi in cui si reca per tenere le lezioni:

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¡Ricorda di dire che vieni da!
Imad Ud Din
Imad Ud Din
23 Anni·Insegnante con 1 anno esperienza
In Letuelezioni da febraio 2024
¡Prima lezione gratis!
  • Dati di contatto verificati
  • Ultima connessione pochi giorni fa
  • Rispondi entro poche ore
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Imad Ud Din
Imad Ud Din Genova (Liguria)
16€/h¡Prima lezione gratis!
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