Jack Mccaffrey

Jack Mccaffrey


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Si può imparare l’inglese RP con l’accento chiamato “Inglese della Regina”?
Cristina | Lezioni di Inglés
Yes you can, It's mostly those who come from a wealthy background who speak with an RP accent but you can hear it on the streets of London. Most BBC presenters would speak with a form of the RP accent, but this is slowly changing as time goes on.
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Si può imparare l’inglese RP con l’accento chiamato “Inglese della Regina”?
Cristina | Lezioni di Inglés
Yes you can, It's mostly those who come from a wealthy background who speak with an RP accent but you can hear it on the streets of London. Most BBC presenters would speak with a form of the RP accent, but this is slowly changing as time goes on.
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