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Mindfulness is a wide field, wherein there are many different options for every kind of person. Whether you are coming from a place of wanting to improve your mental health, strengthen your spiritual practice, or simply raise your awareness of the life flourishing around you, there is something in a mindfulness practice for everyone.

My journey began at a young age, encouraged by others to learn about meditation, mindful working, and self-care. From there, it expanded into a deeper understanding of how to find peace and joy in the smallest moments of life. I have learned to treasure the tiny moments, as well as how to create my own when the world seems too chaotic. I can help you learn to find and create these moments as well.

Having spent my time at university studying psychology, I have a background that leads me to blend a mix of long-standing, evidence based practices combined with newer practices we are only beginning to understand the benefits of. There is research to support that a mindfulness practice can benefit your mental health, but also may improve neurological and physical health as well. We can talk about the real benefits of a consistent practice based on empirical data and learn about the fascinating findings about this previously fringe practice.

Throughout my life, I have engaged with a range of practices, meeting practitioners and scholars of many religions and spiritualities. I have taken pieces from a range of practices and incorporated beliefs and theories into my own personal practices and knowledge base. I believe that no single group has everything figured out, but rather that by studying humanity at large, we can uncover universal truths that serve the soul. Having engaged with many multi-faith communities, I have been taught a wide range of practices to strengthen the spirit. Together, we can develop a system that matches your inner beliefs about the world around you.

In a busy world, it can be a challenge to find the time for a mindfulness practice, however research shows that a consistent practice is key to unlocking it’s most potent benefits. I have created systems, as well as learned from and about the systems of many other practitioners, for how they create a regular practice even in the midst of a busy, modern lifestyle. We can develop a meaningful system that you can implement into your own life in order to grow into a practice that has consistency.

I hope that this intrigues you, and I invite you to join me as we move towards a more mindful state of being.
Dai lezioni private per:
  • Università, adulti
Tipo di lezioni impartite da Julia
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Parla queste lingue
  • Inglese
  • Italiano
  • La sua disponibilità
    Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì Sabato Domenica

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