Leanna Dallas Cavalloni

Leanna Dallas Cavalloni


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È davvero così terribile l’accento italiano in inglese?
Juan carlos | Lezioni di Inglés
Hello Juan, Being British I have heard many Italians speaking English when I worked in London and I enjoyed hearing how unique each person sounded. Everyone one ah as a distinct accent and it’s not bad. Makes you sound interesting. I sometimes feel when I speak Italian I sound bad but practise and confidence helps.
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Cosa devo studiare per diventare insegnante di inglese?
Alessio | Lezioni di Inglese
Hello Alessio, That’s great you want to excel with your studies in the English language. Have you been to the U.K ? There are many courses you can take online to help you achieve certifications. Would you consider working in the to teach language ? That would definitely be something to benefit you. Good luck
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Cosa devo studiare per diventare insegnante di inglese?
Alessio | Lezioni di Inglese
Hello Alessio, That’s great you want to excel with your studies in the English language. Have you been to the U.K ? There are many courses you can take online to help you achieve certifications. Would you consider working in the to teach language ? That would definitely be something to benefit you. Good luck
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È davvero così terribile l’accento italiano in inglese?
Juan carlos | Lezioni di Inglés
Hello Juan, Being British I have heard many Italians speaking English when I worked in London and I enjoyed hearing how unique each person sounded. Everyone one ah as a distinct accent and it’s not bad. Makes you sound interesting. I sometimes feel when I speak Italian I sound bad but practise and confidence helps.
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Leanna Dallas Cavalloni
Leanna Dallas Cavalloni
42 Anni·Insegnante con 2 anni esperienza
  • Dati di contatto verificati
  • Ultima connessione poche settimane fa
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Leanna Dallas Cavalloni
Leanna Dallas Cavalloni Camaiore (Toscana)
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