Liliana Cazzato

Liliana Cazzato

    • ¡Prima lezione gratis!
  • Bari
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Dear Sir/Madam
My name is Liliana Cazzato and I live in South-Eastern Italy, in the region of
Puglia, near Bari. I am enrolled in the Master’s Degree at the Faculty of Historical
Sciences of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”. I am currently working as an
administrative assistant for an Italian radio station, Radio Anni ‘60 (lit. the
Sixties’ radio) and Video Italia Puglia, a local TV channel belonging to the same
company. For the above TV channel, I am also a presenter hosting a number of
public profile people, in conjunction with several programmes of politics and of
general culture. Besides, I am a journalist for a local newspaper, dealing with
local political issues. In addition to studying and working, I have also been
volunteering both in the social and environmental fields for several years. I am
a member of Legambiente Corato, an important environmental committee
based in my region, of which I am also a member of the Board of Directors. In
effect, I am keen on, and pretty much interested in, all issues related to the
environment, as well as national, international, geopolitical, economical,
management and governmental issues .As far as History, Social Sciences and
Geopolitics are concerned, these are the core of my studies, being in the process
of preparing several exams for. Beside my university studies, I am also preparing
for additional professional certifications.
Yours faithfully
Liliana Cazzato
Dai lezioni private per:
  • Studenti di medie, superiori, adulti
  • Aziende, indipendenti e professionisti(in company)
Parla queste lingue
  • Italiano
  • Ubicazione approssimativa delle lezioni di Liliana Cazzato

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¡Ricorda di dire che vieni da!
Liliana Cazzato
Liliana Cazzato
Insegnante con 2 anni esperienza
¡Prima lezione gratis!
  • Dati di contatto verificati
  • é da un po che non si connette
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Liliana Cazzato
Liliana Cazzato Bari (Puglia)
15€/h¡Prima lezione gratis!
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