Mimi Seton

Mimi Seton


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Qual è la differenza tra "disinterested" e "uninterested" in inglese?
Niccolò | Lezioni di Inglese
Hi Niccolo, My name is Mimi Seton. Ciao! You are asking a really good question! Let's start with the word: uninterested. This simply means you are NOT interested in something or someone. For example, you might say: "I'm uninterested in math. It's boring!" That is the same as saying: "I'm not interested in math. It's boring!" The other word, disinterested, is a bit more subtle. It means you do not have a bias one way or another; you are not set up to think in a certain way and you can therefore be objective. For example, you are a "disinterested party" in a legal case when you do not know the person on trial or the person accusing him of the crime. Your opinion is therefore more valuable because you are disinterested. Disinterested means you are not prejudiced. Your mind is free of judgments. When we select a jury in the USA, the lawyers try to find 12 "disinterested" citizens who can see a situation without prejudice. For example: if a Chicano boy is on trial for murder, it is important to find 12 citizens who do not have a prejudice against Mexican-Americans. Who do not assume that a Mexican-American boy is a criminal. If we are free of that kind of bias, we are "disinterested" and may be selected to be on the jury. If on the other hand we were robbed by a Mexican-American boy at gunpoint, we will have a racist bias against this social group and we are therefore NOT "disinterested".
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