Roberta Pili

Recensioni di Roberta Pili

Roberta Pili



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I had the pleasure of being taught by Roberta, my English teacher, and it was a life-changing experience. As an Italian who moved to the UK with the goal of mastering English, I was fortunate to find Roberta. Her proficiency in both languages made the learning process seamless and enjoyable. Roberta's course was nothing short of exceptional. Thanks to her guidance and expertise, I can now confidently speak and write in English with accuracy. The progress I've made is remarkable, and even tasks as simple as answering the phone have become effortless, as I can now understand everyone clearly. I highly recommend Roberta as an English teacher. Her teaching style, deep knowledge, and dedication have truly transformed my language skills. If you're looking to learn English effectively and efficiently, Roberta is the perfect choice.


La mia esperienza con Roberta come insegnante è stata eccezionale. Grazie a lei, ho fatto notevoli progressi con l'inglese. Le sue lezioni sono state un vero piacere e sono grata per l'opportunità di averla avuta come insegnante.

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Roberta Pili

Roberta Pili
33 Anni·Insegnante con 1 anno esperienza
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Roberta Pili
Roberta Pili (2) Cagliari (Sardegna)
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