Roseline Nakito Nakito

Roseline Nakito Nakito


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Qual è la differenza tra can may e might?
Mia | Lezioni di Inglés
Hello! Mia. Mighty, May, and Can. The differences short:- The past tense of may is might. May suggests that a possibility that an action will occur, while might suggests a slightly smaller possibility. May and Can.. May expresses permission, while Can expresses ability . Here are few examples... "Question: Dad can i paint my studying room walls in black ? Answer: I'm sure you can, but you may not.
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Qual è la differenza tra can may e might?
Mia | Lezioni di Inglés
Hello! Mia. Mighty, May, and Can. The differences short:- The past tense of may is might. May suggests that a possibility that an action will occur, while might suggests a slightly smaller possibility. May and Can.. May expresses permission, while Can expresses ability . Here are few examples... "Question: Dad can i paint my studying room walls in black ? Answer: I'm sure you can, but you may not.
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Roseline Nakito Nakito

Roseline Nakito Nakito
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