Roya Ismail-Beigi Shirazi

Roya Ismail-Beigi Shirazi


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Quando si usano “in” e “on” in inglese?
Giulia | Lezioni di Inglés
Hello Giulia, that's a great question. "In" is used when something is located inside a space, ex. I am in the house OR the cat is in the box OR his gloves are in the car. "On" is used when something is touching the surface of something else, ex. The cup is on the table OR she put her shoes on OR the hat is on my head.
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Quando si usano “in” e “on” in inglese?
Giulia | Lezioni di Inglés
Hello Giulia, that's a great question. "In" is used when something is located inside a space, ex. I am in the house OR the cat is in the box OR his gloves are in the car. "On" is used when something is touching the surface of something else, ex. The cup is on the table OR she put her shoes on OR the hat is on my head.
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Roya Ismail-Beigi Shirazi
Roya Ismail-Beigi Shirazi
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