Samuel Parwez

Samuel Parwez

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  • Roma
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  • 5 anni di esperienza


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I hold a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, which has provided me with a solid foundation in mathematical concepts and theories. Additionally, having completed A'levels, I possess a comprehensive understanding of the entire curriculum. My educational background, combined with my teaching experience, equips me with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively teach mathematics to students at various educational levels.

Throughout my teaching career, I have consistently strived to create an engaging and inclusive learning environment. I have developed and implemented comprehensive lesson plans that cater to diverse learning needs, utilizing various teaching methods, resources, and technology to enhance student understanding and participation. By presenting complex mathematical concepts in a clear and accessible manner, I have been able to foster a love for the subject among my students.

One of my key strengths is my ability to prepare students for examinations, including Cambridge assessments. I have implemented effective teaching strategies, provided extensive practice materials, and conducted regular assessments to monitor student progress. By offering timely and constructive feedback, I have empowered my students to continuously improve and achieve excellent results.

I firmly believe in the importance of establishing strong relationships with students, parents, and colleagues. Through open communication and collaboration, I have created a supportive classroom environment that encourages student participation, critical thinking, and collaboration. I am dedicated to the holistic development of my students and consistently strive to provide them with the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed.

As an enthusiastic learner myself, I continuously stay abreast of the latest developments in mathematics education. I actively seek professional development opportunities, such as workshops and conferences, to enhance my teaching skills and ensure that I am delivering the most effective instruction to my students.
Dai lezioni private per:
  • Asilo e scuola materna, elementari, medie, università, adulti
Tipo di lezioni impartite da Samuel Parwez
  • Insegnante a casa
  • Si sposta a domicilio
  • Online (Skype, Zoom, Classgap)
Parla queste lingue
  • Inglese
  • Italiano
Formazione: titoli, corsi e certificazioni
  • Post-laurea o master:

    Electrical Engineering(in corso)

  • La sua disponibilità
    Lunedì Martedì Mercoledì Giovedì Venerdì Sabato Domenica

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Samuel Parwez
Samuel Parwez
27 Anni·Insegnante con 5 anni esperienza
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Samuel Parwez
Samuel Parwez Roma (Lazio)
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