Vahida Kadrieska

Vahida Kadrieska


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Come si usa "but" in inglese?
Juan carlos | Lezioni di Inglese
But is a conjunction which is used to show connect to sentences. It is also used as a preposition followed by a noun. Most of the time it is used as a conjunction joining two sentences where the second one is different from the first time, ex:We could come to the party but we didnt’t have money to buy the tickets.
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Come si traduce il they/them neutro in italiano?
Mattia | Lezioni di Inglese
They/them = Loro
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Come si usa "but" in inglese?
Juan carlos | Lezioni di Inglese
But is a conjunction which is used to show connect to sentences. It is also used as a preposition followed by a noun. Most of the time it is used as a conjunction joining two sentences where the second one is different from the first time, ex:We could come to the party but we didnt’t have money to buy the tickets.
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Come si traduce il they/them neutro in italiano?
Mattia | Lezioni di Inglese
They/them = Loro
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Vahida Kadrieska

Vahida Kadrieska
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