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Lezioni di Russo

a Roma (Lazio)

Russo, Inglese, Spagnolo. Lezioni private

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Over the course of the last twenty years, I have honed my skills as a trilingual language teacher through university linguistics study, translation/interpretation at home and abroad, and teaching in both public and private institutions. Deep familiarity with language acquisition has compelled me to develop a comprehensive methodology regarding the five key capabilities that students can readily employ on their journey to fluency.
During the learning process, we acquire and develop the following five key skills and abilities:
1) Oral expression (in the lesson).
We engage in impromptu conversation and conversation about the topics relevant to the study materials in question. Special attention is paid to various practical communicative situations (functional language).
2) Listening comprehension through video materials (individual practice between lessons, later development in the lesson).
Over the last few years, I have compiled a very large number of videos on various topics that we will be using regularly. The entire learning process is based on the use of authentic audiovisual material, and each section of the coursebook is complemented by interviews, movie scenes, reports, video blogs, etc.
3) Correct usage of the language, grammar and vocabulary exercises (individual practice between lessons, later development in the lessons).
These exercises are done by the student at home in writing (in pdf format). Then the student sends them to me by email, and I check them making corrections. During the lesson, we work on grammar in an indirect way.
4) Reading comprehension (individual practice between lessons).
As part of the homework, the student performs reading activities and works with video transcripts.
5) Written expression (individual practice between lessons).
The student answers various questions from the units of the coursebook in writing and writes small texts following the tasks given in the corresponding sections. Then the student sends me the written work by email so that I can check it and make corrections.
Throughout the whole learning process, active use of online dictionaries is recommended.
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