Stefano Freifer

Stefano Freifer


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Come avere un buon accento in inglese?
Giulia | Lezioni di Inglés
Hello! in my opinion, to have a better accent , you have to listen to people talking in english, that is through watching english movies, listening to live conversations and the most important thing is to practice talking in english with some fluent friends in order to have you accent right. Furthermore, you should practice on reading aloud so you can hear yourself talking and know your mistakes. For more informations feel free to contact me. Best of luck!
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Come si pronuncia la R in Inglese?
Concetta | Lezioni di Inglés
Salve. La R in Inglese e pronunciato "aar" (pronuncia Britannica) o "aa" (pronuncia Americana). Nella pronuncia Britannica sembra omessa.
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Come avere un buon accento in inglese?
Giulia | Lezioni di Inglés
Hello! in my opinion, to have a better accent , you have to listen to people talking in english, that is through watching english movies, listening to live conversations and the most important thing is to practice talking in english with some fluent friends in order to have you accent right. Furthermore, you should practice on reading aloud so you can hear yourself talking and know your mistakes. For more informations feel free to contact me. Best of luck!
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Come si pronuncia la R in Inglese?
Concetta | Lezioni di Inglés
Salve. La R in Inglese e pronunciato "aar" (pronuncia Britannica) o "aa" (pronuncia Americana). Nella pronuncia Britannica sembra omessa.
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Stefano Freifer

Stefano Freifer
21 Anni·Insegnante con 1 anno esperienza
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