Qual è la differenza tra going to e will?

Biagio 13 risposte
Ciao! Non ho capito se ci sono differenze tra will e going to in inglese quando usarli
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Sia Will che Going to in inglese servono per esprimere il futuro, ma vengono utilizzati in maniera molto differente a seconda del significato che deve esprimere la frase o della situazione. Going to, in particolare, è usato per esprimere un futuro “intenzionale
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Ciao Biagio! Entrambi si usano per esprimere azioni nel future, ma Hanno diverse intenzioni. To be going to si USA se fai qualcosa in futuro di gia' programmato. In italiano noi a volte CI mettiamo il verbo presente. Es: I'm going to watch a movie to the cinema tomorrow/domani vado Al cinema a vedere un film; My parents are going to travel to Paris for Christmas/ I miei genitori partono/viaggiamo per/a Parigi per Natale. Will: si USA per azioni decide un po' all'improvviso, senza nessun programma/piano. Oppure per azioni stabilite con un orario stabilito (future continuous) Es: 1) I am going out to the supermarket; 2) it has just started raining; 1) I'll (will) get an umbrella then Tomorrow the flight will be leaving at 11am. Es: qualcuno suona alla porta e Tu dici : I'll get that (I open the door). Decisione improvvisa Spero Sia stata Di aiuto. Arianna
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Although both WILL and BE GOING TO are ways in which you can talk about the future, they have got different functions! 🏛 For example, let’s say you’re called aTim and you want your mum to make a cake 🥮 and you tell her: “Mum, can you bake a cake, today?” She says that she’d 💕 love to, but there’s no sugar left. You instantly offer to buy some saying: “I’ll buy some later tonight!” 10 minutes later your dad asks your mum if she wants him to buy anything from the supermarket and your mum responds:”No, you don’t have to go to the supermarket;Tim, is going to buy some sugar later.” What do you notice here?!! When we make a DECISION ON THE SPOT, right at the time of speaking we use WILL. When we talk about INTENTIONS we use BE GOING TO. If you want, I can explain the rest of the uses of these two tenses in a free lesson! Send me a message and I’ll be glad to be your study companion! 👩🏻‍🎓
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Certo Biagio! Will+ verbo alla forma base si usa per parlare di una previsione futura Es. I think it will rain tomorrow Per decidere di fare qualcosa nel futuro anche subito dopo aver detto la tua frase con will, perché la situazione te lo impone diciamo Es. Squilla il telefono. Stai parlando a tavola con gli amici dici: Sorry, l will answer the phone. È futuro perché rispondi dopo aver finito la frase. Per fare una promessa Es. Mom:John call us when you arrive in New York John: ok Mom. I will call you. Promette I am going to visit Japan some day - intenzione John studies medicine. He is going to be a doctor - qualcosa che succederà perché ci sono tutti i presupposti Spero di averti aiutato
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Going to si utilizza principalmente per indicare un'azione che farai a breve. È il cosiddetto futuro prossimo Es. I'm going to take a nap (Sto per fare un pisolino) Will invece si utilizza per un'azione molto più futura rispetto a going to Es. Don't worry, I will break your defence soon. (Non preoccuparti, presto romperò le tue difese)
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Ciao! Be going to si usa quando hai una forte intenzione di fare qualcosa o quando ho la prova visiva che qualcosa sta per accadere. Will si usa per esprimere opinioni su qualcosa, specialmente coi verbi think, guess, believe. Dunque previsioni e/o opinioni personali. Si usa per esprimere azioni inevitabili,indipendenti dalla volontà di chi parla. Si usa per esprimere delle decisioni spontanee, prese nel momento in cui si parla.
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Vedi due esempi: I'll marry next year. = some day next year I'm going to marry next year. = sounds more like a plan, you probably have a fixed day already and some reservations for it Going-to future tense is about your plans Future Simple is about some actions in the future Hope it helps!
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Will and going to.... both express the future. In English we are able to use the gerund "Going to" when we talk of future plans or intentions. i.e. I'm going to go on holiday to Rome this year.
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Going to significa "avere intenzione di", invece "will" si usa quando parli di qualcosa che hai deciso di fare sul momento
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Al momento di prendere una decisione, usa 'will'. Una volta che avrai preso la decisione, parla di tale decisione usando 'going to'.
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Hi, Let me give you an example. Imagine we are sitting in a room and deciding to go to the park tomorrow. We need bread, cheese, and a blanket for tomorrow. I ask you: -What will you bring tomorrow? +I will bring bread tomorrow. Five minutes later, I forget what you are going to bring. Now I should ask: - What are you going to bring tomorrow? +I am going to bring bread.
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Hi, Let me give you an example. Imagine we are sitting in a room and deciding to go to the park tomorrow. We need bread, cheese, and a blanket for tomorrow. I ask you: -What will you bring tomorrow? +I will bring bread tomorrow. Five minutes later, I forget what you are going to bring. Now I should ask: - What are you going to bring tomorrow? +I am going to bring bread.
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1. One can use either "will" or "going to" to describe the future tense. The "going to" form is a different form that is not used for the simple future tense, whereas "will" is used when the choice is imminent. 2. "Will" is a verb that declares the future to be true. When we decide at the moment of speaking that something needs to be done in the future or when we think something might happen in the future, we use this expression. The "going to" form, on the other hand, is used to communicate an activity as it is occurring and to express a decision that has been made before speaking for something that is certain to happen in the future.
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