the Parioli English School

the Parioli English School

Roma | Via Angelo Secchi, 3 - 00197 Roma


Lezioni presenziali
Lezioni a domicilio
Clases in-company

Lezioni e corsi che insegniamo

Inglese, Spagnolo, Italiano per stranieri
Esami speciali
IELTS, Altri esami, FCE First Certificate in English, CAE Certificate in Advanced English, CPE Certificate Proficiency in English, Esame di terza media, B1 PET
Tutte le lezioni

Descrizione del centro

vedere di più
The Parioli English School, a Cambridge Exams Qualifications and Ielts centre accredited by British Council, was founded 25 year ago. With almost 3 decades of experience and great achievements, the school provides tuition to students aged 7-18, but also organises General English, Conversation Skills and Business courses for adults.

Our school works in close collaboration with a large number of Italian schools in Rome, various local and foreign universities offering guidance and assistance for UCAS application as well as organises summer school programmes and internships with foreign partners in England, Canada and the USA.

For a list of duties and qualifications, please refer to the school website at /about-us/

We do appreciate competent and dedicated teachers with a child-friendly attitude who have at least 5-year experience in the sector. Teaching skills such as creative and formal writing, class research for school projects and planning lessons well in advance to meet exams deadlines are required. As well as joining a well-established team of teachers, the applicant should embrace the school ethics and policy which mainly focuse on customer care, high-level results and motivating learners of any age. -


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