Profilo delle azioni

Lezioni di Pianoforte

a Milano (Lombardia)

Bachelor of Civil Engineering - Fluent english, french, and arabic talker/writer - 10 years of learning and mastering piano playing. I am moving to Milan to study my Masters Degree at Politecnico di Milano and would love to give private lessons in Mathema

Per alunni di:

Medie, Superiori, Università, Adulti


Lezioni presenziali (a casa dell'insegnante), a domicilio


14 €/h (supplemento a domicilio: 5 €)Prima lezione gratis

I have a good experience with tutoring and sharing my knowledge with others. I started tutoring in School where I gave lessons of different Science subjects to students who were younger than me and Pianoforte lessons (I am really good at it) to friends . Than I kept giving lessons while in University. My method of teaching consists of breaking up the lesson's subject and let you see the reasoning behind a problem to be able to get the whole picture and help you to understand everything. You will excel.
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