Ljubinka Samardzic
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Ljubinka Samardzic

Lezioni di Inglese

a Seregno (Lombardia)

Insegnante inglese Madreligua per bambini e adulti

Per alunni di:

Asilo e scuola materna, Elementari, Medie, Superiori


Tutti i livelli


20 €/h

I am an English teacher for kids (age 3-10) and currently I am working in a Language School in Milan. I truely enjoy working with children, as they are always able to give an honest feedback which is very important for both, personal and professional development. I have experiencewith teaching to defferent ages (3-10) so I learned to adjust my aproach considering the age of a child.
My background and passion for supporting and leading young children’s early educational experiences position me to significantly impact your school in this role.
With my exceptional interpersonal skills and my engaging and welcoming nature, I consistently strive to include a variety of methodologies, approaches, and techniques to introduce the teaching topics.
Please be free to contact me if interested.
Thank you for your time.
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Ljubinka Samardzic

Ljubinka Samardzic

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