Hilary Morrissey

Hilary Morrissey


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Come si mette l’ordine delle parole in inglese?
Martina | Lezioni di Inglés
A simple sentence includes: subject, verb, object, manner, place, time. S V O M P T eg Susan prepares her bag very quickly at home every morning.
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Come si usa "but" in inglese?
Juan carlos | Lezioni di Inglese
but is used in the second clause of a sentence to introduce a thing or person the main part of the sentence does not include. eg The exam was difficult but I finished all the questions.
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Quando introdurre l’inglese ai bambini?
Cris | Lezioni di Inglés
Now in nursery schools and creche exist lessons in English and they are very effective. Children at this age have fewer inhibitions and are like 'sponges' they absorb the words and remember. They can learn through songs, nursery rhythms, short bedtime stories, games, role play activities. I had an experience of working with children aged 3-6 and was amazed by the interest, enthusiasm that both I and the children had from the lessons. After a short period of time the classroom had as many words/posters in English as in Italian. There are now teaching courses available for this age young age group.
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Quali espressioni filler usare quando si parla in Inglese?
Sara | Lezioni di Inglés
Um, Er, like, I suppose, something like, so, I mean, hmm - words used when one stops speaking to think of the next clause.
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È davvero così terribile l’accento italiano in inglese?
Juan carlos | Lezioni di Inglés
I don't believe this is true. Yes in most cases, in all languages, non-mother tongue speakers can be recognised but this does not mean that the accent is terrible. Through my teaching experience I have seen the level of speaking increasing greatly from nursery school upwards. It is more important to speak than stay silent and also listen to others as pronunciation can be learnt in this way.
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Hilary Morrissey

Hilary Morrissey
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