What is the difference between kinetic and potential energy?

Chilang 1 risposta
Could someone explain what each one is and their differences?
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Tommaso D'Ippolito
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Hi Chilang, I will try to explain you this concepts in a very easy way.... The Kinetic energy is related to the speed. If you are moving at a specific speed you will have kinetic energy. The calculation formula is K=1/2*m*v^2 where: "m" is the the body mass in movement "v"= is the speed of the body. So the K energy is directly proportional to "m" and "v". The Potential energy is a position energy and it depends on the body mass and the body height related to the ground. The calculation formula is P=m*g*h where "m" is the body mass, "g" is the gravity acceleration "h" is the body height. So the P energy is directly proportional to "m" and "h". A body can own both Kinetic and Potential energy. If you are moving with your car along a bridge, that is 5 meters tall over the ground, at the speed of 10 m/sec, then your total energy will be Kinetic + Potential. Let me know if all is clear for you, if you like, we'll see this concepts in private lessons and face them is a deeper way.
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