Wall Street English Treviso

Wall Street English Treviso

Villorba | Viale della Repubblica 12/1


Lezioni presenziali

Lezioni e corsi che insegniamo

Esami speciali
IELTS, TOEFL, Altri esami

Descrizione del centro

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Established in - , Wall Street English is the largest specialized English language teaching organization in the world. We have provided English training to over 2 million students across over - centres in 28 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.

Wall Street English is one of the most internationally successful English language schools for adults. Our objective is to teach English in the most practical and results-oriented way so that students walk away with the ability to communicate effectively in English once they are finished with our lessons.

Wall Street English’s students generally range from late teens to mid thirties and are a blend of high center and university students, office workers, business owners and housewives. They are generally well-read and well-travelled, making them great conversationalists.

The centers have a truly international feel with students from more than a dozen countries. Also, each center has a Social Area equipped with internet terminals.


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