Francesca D'antonio

Recensioni di Francesca D'antonio

Francesca D'antonio



3 recensioni

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Tom Pye

I have been learning Italian as a total beginner with Francesca for a few months now, and I've never enjoyed learning a new language so much! Francesca is professional and thorough, and after testing my ability set out a plan for where she wanted me to get to after a few months. She provides resources and a balanced structure for each class, with elements of reading, writing, speaking, and listening woven throughout. She also takes my classes with care, patience, and most important of all: good humour! She makes it fun to learn, while making sure that her exercises are never juvenile: we've talked about Italian film and culture as much as we've talked about how to say 'my name is Tom'. I would recommend her to anyone at any level.

Roseanna Webster

Francesa is a brilliant teacher. From the first lesson I saw how carefully she prepared the material and thought about which activities would be most helpful for learning Italian. Lessons are dynamic and fast-paced while also fun and relaxed - I’m always surprised when the two hours are up! I can’t believe how much I’ve progressed with Italian and feel inspired to continue learning. Francesca has a profound knowledge of the Italian language and Italian culture, which she transmits to her students. She also has a great aptitude for teaching as she understands how people learn languages and can respond flexibly to people’s individual needs. I’d thoroughly recommend Francesa as a teacher, whatever your original language.

Óscar R. Solís-Torres

Francesca posee una vocación muy particular de enseñar. Su gran interés en difundir la cultura italiana entre sus estudiantes enriquece notablemente el estudio del idioma. Sus lecciones son didácticas y esquemáticas, permitiendo una apropiación rápida del idioma italiano. Totalmente recomendable!

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¡Ricorda di dire che vieni da!
Francesca D

Francesca D'antonio
43 Anni·Insegnante con 4 anni esperienza
¡Prima lezione gratis!
  • Dati di contatto verificati
  • Ultima connessione pochi giorni fa
  • Risponde in pochi minuti
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Francesca D
Francesca D'antonio (3) Torino (Piemonte)
15€/h¡Prima lezione gratis!
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