Esercizi per esercitare il condizionale in inglese

In inglese ci sono quattro tipi di condizionale.

Rivediamoli insieme.

The Zero Conditional

Quando si usa: per esprimere qualcosa che è sempre vero.

Come si costruisce: If + present simple, present simple

Es. If you heat water, it boils.
(Se scaldi l'acqua, bolle)

Es. If you heat ice it melts.
(Se scaldi il ghiaccio, si scioglie)

The First Conditional

Quando si usa: per esprimere una possibilità futura.

Come si costruisce: If + present simple, will (won't) + infinitive

Es. If you teach them English, they will learn.
(Se insegnerai loro l'inglese, lo impareranno)

Es. If it rains, I will take the umbrella.
(Se dovesse piovere, prenderei l'ombrello)

The Second Conditional

Quando si usa: per esprimere una possibilità immaginata, non possibile nella vita reale o molto improbabile.

Come si costruisce: If + past simple, would + infinitive

Es. If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.
(Se io vincessi alla lotteria, comprerei una macchina nuova)

Es. If they had the money, they would travel around the world.
(Se loro avessero soldi, viaggerebbero per il mondo)

The Third Conditional

Quando si usa: per esprimere eventi passati, che non sono accaduti.

Come si costruisce: If + past perfect, would + have + past participle

Es. If I had studied more, I would have passed the exam.
(Se avessi studiato di più, avrei passato l'esame)

Es. If Steven had woken up earlier, he wouldn't have missed the bus.
(Se Steven si fosse alzato prima, non avrebbe perso l'autobus)

Esercizio 1

Provate ora a completare le frasi utilizzando il condizionale corretto.

  1. If you go to the cinema, ....
  2. If it snows tomorrow, ...
  3. If I bought the car, ...
  4. If I lived by the sea, ...
  5. If you drink too much, ...
  6. If I study for one hour every night, ...
  7. We will miss our train, if...
  8. They would have liked the film, if...
  9. Brighton will be busy, if...
  10. I would travel to France, if...
  11. Jane would have passed the exam, if...
  12. We will get wet, if...
  13. We would visit the beach, if...

(Troverete le soluzioni alla fine dell'articolo)

Esercizio 2

Ascoltate le canzoni e provate a completarle con le forme corrette.

  • Canzoni che usano il First Conditional

Bruno Mars - Count on me

If you ever ......yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I....... sail the world to find you
If you ever......... yourself lost in the dark and you can’t see the light to guide you
We’ll find out what we’re made of

  • Canzoni che usano il Second Conditional

Beyonce - If I were a boy

If I .... a boy
Even just for a day
I .... roll out of bed in the morning
And throw on what I wanted and go
Drink beer with the guys
And chase after girls
I .... kick it with who I wanted
And I .... never get confronted for it.
‘Cause they .....stick up for me.

  • Canzoni che usano il Third Conditional

Adele - If it hadn't been for love

I never.......... ............. hitch-hiked to Birmingham if it.......... ..... for love
I never ......... ............ caught the train to Louisiana if it .......... been for love
I never ....... .......... run through the blinding rain
Without one dollar to my name
if it ........ been, if it.......... been for love

Possibili soluzioni all'esercizio 1

  1. If you go to the cinema, you will have fun (1st conditional)
  2. If it snows tomorrow, I will make a snowman (1st conditional)
  3. If I bought the car, I would drive fast (2nd conditional)
  4. If I lived by the sea, I would swim every day (2nd conditional)
  5. If you drink too much, you will have hangover (1st conditional)
  6. If I study for one hour every night, I will be a genius (1st conditional)
  7. We will miss our train, if we don't hurry (1st conditional)
  8. They would have liked the film, if they had paid more attention (3rd conditional)
  9. Brighton will be busy, if it is sunny for the Festival (1st conditional)
  10. I would travel to France, if I had more money (2nd conditional)
  11. Jane would have passed the exam, if she had studied harder (3rd conditional)
  12. We will get wet, if it rains (1st conditional)
  13. We would visit the beach, if it was sunny (2nd conditional)

Hope it helps! Keep it up with the good job!

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Sono Silvia, insegnante di inglese certificata TEFL, 10 anni vissuti all'estero e una grande passione per la lingua ingleseContattare
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