Why is it so important to learn a second language?

To have another language is to possess a second soul .  _"Charlemagne "

Language is the one of the best ways to connect to world , people to share culture , knowledge and information . As we do know English or even other languages , we don't have any fear to get lost in new cultures .

English is a strong powerful language which makes life much easier and you can't stop seeking it more because more you learn , more it makes you thirsty, it's infinite .

For starting learning English , you need to change your lifestyle , your way of thinking , your manner .

By these I mean , you need to start think in English , write your notes in English , talk to yourselve in English , speak without fear of failure .

You need to put yourself in the position to set your soul free for learning , enjoying and connecting to world .

When you change yourselfe , you will notice how your life starts to improve , how you feel much better about yourself .

Learning a new language is like a big challenge which you must draw yourself inside it without any prediction .

Since the power of mind is infinite , don't let fear stop you .

Start now , drag yourself into a new challenge and see how you will feel powerful .


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