• There are many ways of speaking English...

Many ways to speak English: an example to you!

There is not unique English language. There are many ways to speak English. It's nice to listen to Oxford English and think that we have reached the original roots of pure English.

There are actually different ways to speak English all over the world. It doesn't happen only to the English language, But English is still the language most widely spoken in the world: from India to Australia, from the British Isles to Scotland, and Ireland. And overseas to the territories of the West countries: what a difference between Alabama or Texas states and the British Columbia and Alberta in Canada. In short, there are many ways to speak English and all of them have a dignity and a meaning.

When in a middle of the Sixties an outstanding member of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, Stockley Carmichael went with other mates of his group to Alabama to make English lessons to the young black peasant farmers. He realized that they use spoken English, quite different from official English. But he didn't correct them like a traditional professor. He tried to understand why they used such particular expressions. He didn't consider it a banal mistake! 

Un example? Here's to you. They often use the following expression: we want to reddish to vote! It's difficult for a white English Oxford polite man to understand this phrase. Black people were used to hear from white employers the word: register to vote! And the black people were not having the right to vote yet. But they use "raddish", the name of a vegetable that grow underground. So reddish is linked to the world root. Yes! because they wanted to ground ( to root) their life in their country by reaching also the right to vote, which was not allowed to them. 

It was the time of the big and wide struggle for Civil Rights  for Black people ( The March of Washington, 1963, M.L. King jr.)

That's why I said there are many ways to speak English languages and all have a sense and dignity.


Bye! Lorenzo Porta 




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