Proverbi famosi in inglese da usare tutti i giorni

In questo breve articolo dedicato alle lezioni di inglese vediamo alcuni esempi di proverbi in inglese utili per ampliare il vocabolario e arricchire il proprio lessico. Si tratta di proverbi e modi di dire che si possono utilizzare in normali conversazioni quotidiane (sia formali che informali), ma anche di frasi utili per esami di inglese o compiti in classe.

Cerchi lezioni di inglese?

  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away = consuming fruit and veggies is associated to a healthy diet (clearly we do need more than fruit and veggies to stay healthy but it's just an idiom!).
  • Break a leg = good luck.
  • The more the merrier = more people involved in a social activity means more fun.
  • The grass looks always greener on the other side of the fence = tendency to long for what we do not possess or have (figuratively) but that other people do not seem to lack.
  • Keeping up with the Joneses = try to compete and avoid being outperformed by our neighbors. 
  • Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater = getting rid of something valuable along with what isn't valuable. 
  • Call it a day = it's time to stop doing an activity (i.e. due to being tired or it may be getting too late in the day). 

  • To be on the same wavelength = when two people see eye-to-eye (here's another idiom!) about something. 
  • To pull one's socks up = when someone makes an effort to improve their behavior or performance. 
  • A piece of cake = something that can easily be achieved. 
  • To be right one's alley = (American idiom) something that is especially suited to someone's taste or preference. 
  • To be out for blood = someone who seeks revenge. 
  • To make someone's blood boil = making someone very angry. 
  • To take a walk down memory lane = to remember cherished memories from the past. 
  • If something is "a walk in the park" = something is very easy to do or achieve. 
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